

EDCLA/CSU Beef Symposium

Saturday, September 28, 2019 – 9:00 am
Elbert County Fairgrounds - Kiowa, CO

The biannual Beef Cattle Symposium will be held at the Ag Building at the Elbert County Fairgrounds in Kiowa. This event offers a full day of education from leading industry experts addressing challenges of raising beef cattle today. A complementary lunch will be served. Please RSVP to EDCLA2017@gmail.com by Friday, September 20th so we can be sure to have a meal for everyone. This event is made possible through generous sponsorships. THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE.


Saturday, August 3, 2019 - 11:00 a.m.; Horse Pavilion

Join the Elbert Douglas County Livestock Association for a Barbecue lunch before the Junior Livestock Sale. This great annual tradition raises funds for EDCLA sponsorships and youth programs. The Barbeque runs from 11:00 to 1:00 at the Horse Pavilion. The beef or pork meal with sides and dessert is $15 per person. Advance tickets are available at various locations or at the Barbeque. Members please report at 10:00 am to help with set up and serve the anticipated 500 meals. Come out and meet your friends and neighbors.

EDCLA promotes agricultural education and hands on learning through the 4-H program’s Bred Heifer project and Catch-a-Calf program.

Elbert County Fair Parade -

Elbert County Fair Parade on Sunday, August 4, 2019. The EDCLA asks that anyone within the organization that would like to ride their horse in the Fair Parade be at the south end of the fairgrounds where we park to unload our horses by 10:30 am. 

EDCLA Annual Meeting  

Saturday, October 19, 2019 - Gates Mercantile Building in Elbert
Doors open at 5 pm, Meeting at 5:30 pm
The Annual Meeting features a great beef meal, guest speaker and auction. The auction raises critical funds for the youth programs, Ag in the Classroom, and various 4-H activities in Elbert and Douglas Counties. Doors open at 5:00, meeting is at 5:30 with dinner to follow. All members are invited to attend.


Ride With Ranchers

Saturday, August 24, 2019 – 9:00 am – Historic Bijou Ranch . Here is the flyer for the 2019 Trail Ride.

The Elbert Douglas County Livestock Association “Ride with the Ranchers” will be hosted at the Historic Bijou Ranch located 9 miles east of Kiowa at mile marker 32. For more information and pre-registration please contact Lee Benjamin at Benjaminranch@reagan.com. Check-in / Registration is at 9:00 onsite with the ride starting at roughly 9:30. The ride will conclude with a meal cooked onsite and includes steak, beans, potato salad, drinks and dessert. $45 for ride and meal or $20 for meal only (Cash or Check only). Weather backup date scheduled for September 7th.


Youth Programs 

We support 4-H youth in Elbert County in offering an educational program - “Livestock 101” to assist youth in raising beef, sheep, swine, and goats. EDCLA will also support youth in the Junior Market Sale.

4-H members interested in livestock breeding, especially beef, should consider the Elbert Douglas County Livestock Association (EDCLA) Bred Heifer Project. This is a great project to introduce our youth to the beef industry while starting a beef herd of their own. It is an informative project that is quite different from the other 4-H projects for beef.